Published July 17th, 2020 by Jeev Trika

Have You Heard of CBD Chocolate Bars?

It seems the food and drinks industry has really embraced the CBD craze and for good reason. Cannabidiol, most commonly known as CBD, has been studied for its anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and pain reducing properties. For the most part, CBD is popularly consumed through the following consumption forms:

Granted, these CBD infused drinks, and even gummies, are definitely a step up from tasteless, and oftentimes, bitter CBD oils. But let’s face it, supplementing with CBD can sometimes feel like a chore. Afterall, CBD is considered an individualized herbal medicine. But what if there was a way to supplement CBD that not only tastes amazing but doesn’t feel like a boring medicine? Besides, who says consuming CBD should be boring. 

Introducing CBD chocolate! If you’re a chocolate lover, then you might be asking the question: How can CBD chocolate be healthy? After, it’s chocolate. While it’s true, not all CBD chocolate is created the same, there are healthy CBD chocolate bars out there that not only taste delicious but also offer a whole host therapeutic benefits. What’s more, you don’t even have to be a chocoholic to love CBD chocolate. 

So let’s dive in and see what is CBD chocolate and how it’s different from other CBD products. 

What is CBD oil chocolate?

CBD oil chocolate bars

Simply put, CBD chocolate is chocolate that contains the therapeutic phytocannabinoid CBD. 

If you’re new to CBD, it’s important to note that CBD is the second most common phytocannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. The first, is Tetrahydrocannabinol, better known as THC. While it's true, CBD is sourced from the cannabis plant, it’s also important to know that both marijuana and hemp belong to the cannabis sativa family. So the misconception that CBD is the same as THC, is simply not true. 

In fact, what makes CBD so appealing is that it’s completely non-intoxicating, meaning it’s not going to get you “high”. Many consumers have turned to CBD because not only does it offer similar therapeutic benefits as it’s close cousin, THC, it does so without offering any psychoactive effects, and it’s been shown to even neutralize the unwanted effects of THC. For example, full spectrum hemp-derived CBD does contain trace amounts of THC (0.3%), however it’s nowhere near the amount that would get you “high”. This begs the question: Is CBD chocolate safe to consume?

Is CBD chocolate safe?

Anytime you decide to consume something, it’s always best to learn the safety profile of what you’re consuming. This includes CBD. According to the World Health Organization, “CBD is generally well tolerated with a food safety profile.”

Additionally, this 2018 report also adds, “To date, there is no evidence of recreational use of CBD or any public health-related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.” As comforting as these statements are, it’s important to note that not everyone will react to CBD the same. Therefore, some may experience some unwanted side effects. Unfortunately, no scientific studies have been conducted using CBD chocolate, therefore there are no known side effects of CBD chocolate. But research does show that CBD on it’s own may contribute to some unwanted adverse effects

  • Fatigue 
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Drowsiness
  • And interactions with prescription drugs

However, keep in mind, these side effects are uncommon and rarely linger for a long period of time. Nevertheless, if for any reason, you experience any of the following side effects above, discontinue CBD and consult with your doctor. That said, is CBD chocolat legal? 

Is CBD chocolate legal?

CBD chocolate legality

For the most part, yes, CBD chocolate is legal...  On the federal level. 

In 2018, the Farm Bill paved the way for industrial hemp to be federally legal. This means hemp farmers can legally grow hemp in America as long as it contains trace amounts of THC, no more than 0.3%. That said hemp-derived CBD that contains less than 0.3% THC is in fact legal. However, there is a down side to the CBD industry. 

Unfortunately, the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) makes it clear that because there is not enough scientific evidence to back the health claims of CBD, they do not allow CBD to be marketed and added to any food or drinks. This is because it's too complicated to differentiate between hemp-derived CBD and marijuana-derived CBD. As mentioned before, anything more than 0.3% THC is considered marijuana and is illegal across the broad. Nevertheless, with the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, states across the US have ignored the FDA’s warning and continue to market their array of CBD products, this includes CBD chocolate. Due to individualized state regulations, CBD products like CBD chocolates and CBD infused drinks can be marketed as long as CBD is legal within that state.

However, tt goes without saying that despite the legalization of hemp, there are certain state laws that prohibit CBD completely: 

  • Nebraska 
  • South Dakota
  • Idaho

If you don’t live in the states mentioned above, it’s still imperative to check with your local state laws to see where they stand with CBD edibles. For example: “CBD is prohibited in food and drinks” in the state of New York. Yet, this has not stopped consumers from purchasing CBD edibles like CBD chocolate online. Therefore, if you are in a state that prohibits the selling of CBD chocolate or any other CBD infused edible or drink, it is possible to purchase online. Just keep in mind, you are technically consuming an illegal product if your state prohibits CBD in food and drinks. This leads to our next question: If I purchase CBD chocolate, how much should I eat? 

CBD chocolate bar how much to eat?

The dosage of CBD chocolate bars can range from 5MG to more than 50MG. However, if you’re new CBD edibles, the best rule of thumb is to start slow and only consume a small amount each time. This is because CBD chocolate bars enter the body in a completely different way than CBD oil, CBD creams, and CBD vaporizers. 

There’s a lot of factors that come into play when dosing CBD chocolate bars: 

  • The speed of your metabolism 
  • Your height 
  • Your body weight 
  • How active you are 
  • How much you have eaten that day 
  • When you last ate before you consume a dose of CBD chocolate 
  • And finally, if your currently on any prescription medications 

If you’re used to consuming CBD oils and vaporizers, you’ll notice that CBD edibles, like chocolate bars, may take a little longer to take effect. Partly because CBD chocolate bars have to first enter into the digestive tract. Then, once they are metabolized they are filtered through the liver. Sadly, some of the CBD gets lost during the metabolism process and therefore you may find yourself consuming more CBD chocolate. 

The good news here is that research shows you really can’t overdose on CBD, but too much of anything can cause unwanted side effects, so it’s best to not overeat CBD chocolate, no matter how tasty it is or how much CBD you lost during the metabolism process. 

CBD chocolate benefits

One of the biggest concerns with CBD edibles is that CBD utilizes the same liver enzymes as other prescription drugs. So if you're taking any prescription medications along with CBD chocolates, it could hinder or even enhance the effects of those medications. This is why consulting with a doctor before consuming CBD is highly advised. If you’re currently on any pharmaceuticals, a doctor may be able to determine a healthy dose for you. They can even monitor your blood levels, blood pressure, and other physiological functions. Certain SSRI’s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), seizure medications, and blood thinners are the ones that CBD may interact with the most. 

All in all, CBD chocolate bars usually come pre-dosed. Meaning, they’re already cut up in sections or squares and labeled with the total amount of CBD per section or square. Keep in mind, however, some sections or squares of the CBD chocolate bars may contain more CBD than the other parts of the bar. This is because when making CBD chocolate bars the chocolate is first melted and then the CBD oil is stirred in. So it’s possible for some of the CBD oil to settle unevenly. Thus causing sections of the CBD chocolate bar to be more potent. For this reason, it’s best to start slow and with low doses. So now let’s dive into how you can benefit from CBD chocolate bars. 

The benefits of CBD chocolate

Let’s face it, humans have been consuming CBD for years now. In fact, this medicinal herb has been shown to potentially relieve a number of unwanted systems and now medical professionals are finding that CBD could help treat some debilitating health conditions:  

But if you're one who has a strong pallet, it can be hard to consume bitter CBD oils and tinctures. Even CBD capsules can be hard to swallow. This is where CBD chocolate really comes into play. Many advocates claim that CBD chocolate bars improve their sleep, reduce their anxiety, and even bring relief to unwanted aches and pains. 

Unfortunately, there’s no scientific data regarding CBD chocolates and these debilitating symptoms. But there are multiple studies and case reports that show CBD has potential in addressing sleep, anxiety, and perception of pain. While the amount of CBD oil found in CBD chocolate bars may not be as strong as plain CBD oil, it can produce the same therapeutic properties.

If you find that CBD oil and other CBD products are just not doing it for you, CBD chocolates may be what makes all the difference. The key is to purchase high quality CBD chocolates. 

Best CBD chocolate bars

Let’s be honest, no one wants to spend hours researching which CBD company has the best CBD chocolates. But the truth is, when you do your due diligence, you end up finding the perfect CBD chocolates that meet your needs. To help ease the search here’s a few ways you can determine if the CBD chocolate bar is from a reputable CBD company or not: 

  • Is the CBD hemp-derived?
  • Is the hemp free of harmful toxins?
  • Does the company use high quality and safe extraction methods?
  • Is their chocolate free of harmful and cheap ingredients?
  • Have the CBD chocolates been thoroughly tested by an independent third party? 
  • Are their CBD chocolates accurately labeled?
  • Are there instructions or dosing recommendations for each CBD chocolate bar?

These questions help you filter out which CBD companies have your best interests at heart and which companies are just looking to cut corners and make a quick profit. 

For the most part, the easiest way to find the best CBD chocolates is online. Although, if you live in a state that has legalized all things CBD, then finding high quality CBD chocolates near you may be one of the best options. 

Final thoughts

The genius behind CBD chocolate bars is nothing short of amazing. Afterall, who doesn’t enjoy the ooey gooeiness of chocolate? 

CBD chocolates for sale online

However, the truth is, CBD edibles, like chocolate bars, are prohibited by the FDA and certains states, despite the passing of 2018 Farm Bill. Nevertheless, CBD edibles and other CBD products are still widely available. It’s important to note that the FDA isn’t necessarily cracking down on consumers who purchase CBD chocolates, but rather they’re looking to shut down CBD companies that make false medical claims. 

If you live in a state that doesn't frown upon CBD infused edibles, you’re fortunate to be the few that can consume CBD chocolates in your state. If you happen to live in a state that does in fact frown upon CBD chocolates, it’s best to steer clear. However, there’s always the option to purchase high quality CBD chocolates online or you can even attempt to make your own CBD chocolate bars at home. No matter what you decide, just be sure you purchase from reputable CBD companies that produce thoroughly tested, safe CBD products. Everywhere!

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